…. after years of hoping and waiting… with lots of false starts… I am on the cusp of getting a BRAND NEW iBot.
They now sell them in the Netherlands.. where there is an agent for Mobius Mobility, who make them ( backed by Toyota ) in the States.
To buy one in the States is virtually impossible to be honest – you have to wheel through so many hoops, because in America the iBot is classed as a medical device by the FDA. You therefore have to be prescribed one by an American doctor.
Well I don’t have an American doctor… and you can’t just get one. I tried and tried to get the services of a doctor I had back in 2015, when I was in Kentucky, but such was his fear of litigation, that he actually managed to make me getting one LESS likely, rather than more 🤦♂️
I had to undo the damage that he did to my cause.. and convince Mobius that I would be able to use one! Christ it was a mess, and emotional for me for a long time.
ANYWAY… I now go in a week, to the Netherlands, on Eurostar, change in Brussels and then eventually get to my destination. You have to receive the compulsory training… or they won’t give it to you. That takes a day.
So … I’ll be back on Tuesday night, by train, sat in an iBot.
It’ll make a lot of things currently impossible, possible.
Gawd it’s been a long time coming!!!
Oh and because It’s coming from America, and I said I might be doing some primary school teaching, it’ll come fully loaded ( automatic assault rifle on a swing arm )
Well what better way to deter people from carrying guns than shoot anyone that you aren’t sure about.