A stroll by the Thames this morning with Major John, Jenni, Bob and Di . Xxxxxxx
From yesterday:
Bob and I spent our very first day in the London Bridge hospital with Russ, Dani,Lily and Amber yesterday. It was so good to see him again. He was lying quite flat because that was the most comfortable position for him. He looked thinner but was in good spirits .
Dani and the girls left for Portugal at 5.00 am so we were looking forward to having lots of time with Russell today although we knew that Russ would be missing them. We arrived at Russ's room to discover, to our great delight, that Russ had been outside, looking at the Thames in a wheelchair. What a momentous occasion. We were over the moon and so was Russ. We were absolutely determined to be there with him the next time so that we could turn it into a photo shoot.
Bob and I wandered across London Bridge whilst Russ had a rest and some lunch. On our return
Russ was enjoying an intensive one hour physiotherapy session . We waited in the small waiting room hoping that we might be allowed back into Russ's room but we didn't see Russ until almost 6.00 . As we were walking past the lift we met a couple looking for Russ,s room. it was Rob , Russ's other half when Russ and he had won the Yukon 1000 (mile) race in 2009 against incredible opposition. It was the first time that this global kayak race had been staged and these two had won it.
Russ was so pleased to see him and we were so pleased to meet Rob whom we had heard so much about and his charming wife. The four of us were delighted to see, when we entered Russ's room , that Russ was sitting upright in his wheelchair for the second time that day. Absolutely brilliant.
Russ had his full quota of visitors today as we knew he would. Terry from the Hogarth club, Pat, Blair from Specsavers, Julia and her daughter on their way to the cinema and, of course, Rob and Kerry .
We left Russell looking better than yesterday so it's onward and upwards. Well done Russ, you are a star. We are hoping to see you in your wheelchair for a photo shoot tomorrow.
Morning Russ-Boy,
I hope you manage to have a restful day today after yesterday’s activities and all your visitors! I will pop by tomorrow after work.