I can’t be sure, but I think I have lost something between 10 and 14 kg over the last 12 days.
I can’t be SURE because I’ve only just found a way to weigh myself – that is i bought an industrial type hook with integrated electronic scales that arrived 2 days ago.
By hooking that into a hoist that lifts me up, I can weigh.
The weight loss is drastic though. I lost 6 kg over 24 hours. By weighing myself ( with Carer’s help ) at the same time first thing in the morning I’m taking away the variables.
I wish I’d taken more pictures as I’d gone along too. Only got a few at the start ( which is the main thing ) and then none for the next 7 days. I have taken them for the last 3 and will continue to from now on.
I can certainly see the difference! I’m not trying to starve myself.. and I think I now need to eat more than I have been doing, before I disappear altogether.
I don’t seem to be losing any power to crank the handle, so that’s not suffering at all, and neither am I excessively tired or anything, but blimey I’m leaner. I’ve only done 12 days and I’ve 18 left. I’ll change tack and up the food intake and see what happens.
I’ll gauge what I do for the next 18 days by what I see in the mirror.