As I knew all along- cos you just do, if you’re as aware as I am, physically, even though I cannot feel 2/3 of me… I need more Spinal surgery.
Ill be in for 6 weeks or so, he said.
Hospital is fine, and 6 weeks is nothing, when there is a positive outcome ahead, is the only thought process that I allow.
Its the Autumn soon, and I’ll be out way before Xmas to do what I plan to do for that period, so no worries…
I really don’t like being leant to one side all over again, so bring on the major surgery, I say.
I mean, what s the worse that can happen…!?
I don’t want to wake up even more paralysed, but anything else, living or otherwise, is totally fine.
Let me know when and where and i’ll Be on your visitor list!
Auntie Mary xx