What I said –
Could I please have 2 cups of tea, and could you open both blinds and the door to the terrace?
What carer hears –
Can I have one cup of tea?
I am on a cycle of essentially repeating myself two or even 3 times for ever request I make.
I have a Male temp ( 12 hours only ). He arrived, and within half an hour had knocked over a glass and smashed it. I haven’t dropped a glass in years, and you try carrying one whilst pushing your wheelchair at the same time ( and not being able to put the glass between your knees, as you have no control over your legs ) Then he dropped the wooden towel dispenser thing no less than 4 times in succession? How do you even do that?
Yesterday my 12 hour lady carer knocked over a metre tall glass vase and smashed it. This vase has recently survived 2 trips in removal vans as well as obviously being carried into and out of the vans by removal guys, up and down stairs.
Also i wish thé carers could stop asking me if my legs feel ok ( after I explain I cannot feel a thing ) and if my trousers feel comfortable, and if my shoes are tight enough, and if I should perhaps just try to walk a bit… it’s actually slightly tormenting…rather than helpful or nice.
I expect the carer is feeling a bit nervous. I remember when I used to see you in Specsavers in Staines I used to be a bit wary of you, don’t ask me why. Since I have been on here and got to know you I have changes my opinion. Not every one is confident like you are. Love to you as always Margaret x x