I went to a talk by Michael Palin last week, with Marky P. If you don’t know, he’s a pretty famous fella, old Michael P.
He’s written a(nother) book, called Erebus – the story of a ship. In the talk he read extracts ( I’ve since realised ) rather than ‘ talked ‘ . I know that cos I’ve downloaded the audio book, which is narrated by him, and bits sound very familiar ( that’s cos I heard him read em out last week… )
Anyway, it’s a fascinating true account of a maritime world long gone, a time of extreme hardship at sea, with potential death around every corner ( or beyond every wave perhaps ). The ship was eventually lost at sea, all hands lost, along with Terra, her companion sister ship. However they recently discovered the wreck of Erebus in the frozen Canadian Arctic, hundreds of years after she disappeared without trace, so her story has been resurrected you could say.
Last night I met my buddy Russ in Richmond. The 2 Russ’s went to see Trevor McDonut McDonald speaking, but at the last minute he was substituted by Alistair Macgowan, the impressionist off the telly. Blimey that bloke is talented. His impressions are off the scale accurate, and he’s very intelligent and comedic with it. He also played the piano – classical pieces no less, rather than Les Dawson stylee, so it was entertaining on many levels. He might have crested in terms of career, but it’s a shame that he’s not still on the TV, as he’s a bit of a superstar. That’s the way of celebrity though- you only have a short shelf life these days, before some dopey reality tv ‘star ‘ gets far more limelight than their speck of talent deserves. I watched that fella Danny Dyer’s show the other day, then realised he’s on all the time. How can that be? He’s totally bereft of any talent at all. I think he’s off East Enders, which he’s only on because he has an East End accent. That hardly qualifies you to have your own show about history, does it? I doubt he couldn’t spell Enry the Aitff , let alone Henry the Eighth, so how has he ever been allowed near a history program? It’s a bleedin misstery to me mate, it is. He makes Phil Mitchell look like Einstein.
Wendy and I saw My Beautiful Boy the other night. Now that’s worth watching. Powerful and a bit tragic yes, but a very common tale for sure, and undoubtedly set to be more commonplace for kids growing up now. We went to the Body Worlds exhibition last week, and there’s a bit in it which explains that if your brain is largely only exposed to the ‘ thrill’ of computer games, smoking spliffs and screen excitement ( rather than social skills) whilst developing ( yes your brain develops neural connections when it experiences pleasure ) then you come to only experience pleasure when exposed to those same stimuli for life, rendering a kid/ young adult cerebrally addicted ( irreversibly ) to his / her computer, forever ‘ socially inadequate ‘ . That’s scary isn’t it?
GET YOUR KIDS OFF THEIR COMPUTERS then.. or be (partly) responsible for the ( lack of ) personality outcome.
You were warned….
We used to play “Knock Down Ginger” (Knocking on peoples doors and running away”) Also scrumping (nicking) apples from the Vicar’s garden. I have to add in my defence that I was only the lookout. Love Margaret x x x My Brother and I also got banned from Sunday School for being disruptive. Those were the days
What interesting events you go to! And in the company of the lovely Marky P, as well. I was very impressed by our trip to see Mike Foales the astronaut. I knew there had to be some good reasons for living in London. 🙂
I agree wholeheartedly about Danny Dyer. He’s just annoying.
As for the computer addiction, I’m so glad my own kiddo is mad about drawing rather than computer games. What did we do for kicks when we were teenagers? Drink cider, listen to records, read books, go to discos in church halls and play sport, I think. That explains a lot.
Dawky, in an episode of ‘Who do you think you are ?’, featuring Danny Hardman-Dyer, it transpires that he is descended from Edward 3. Previously, he presented documentaries on international football hooligan ‘firms’.
Edward 3 had 8 sons and 5 daughters (legitimately). (No idea how many others.)
OK, which of our mates is a descendant? Got to be one of ’em! 😀