Today they weighed me.
More accurately, they weigh me plus the wheelchair, then get me out of it, then weigh just the chair, then work out the difference.
Verdict: about 183 pounds – that About 7 pounds more than when I got here.
As it’s not fat – I would know if it was – it’s muscle/ increased leg bone density.
That being the expected outcome of the experiment, that’s good.
What’s not so good, is the extra ‘dead’ weight that I have to now push around with my arms – and I have noticed pushing is getting harder, not easier.
I hadn’t forecast that bit, if I’m truthful.
Before my injury i’d spent most of the last 13 Easters in a canoe.
It was a bit contentious with Dani, and pretty unpleasant for me too ( though my own daft choice ).
Yet again I’m away from my family at Easter, again by choice, but for a totally different reason. I’d trade this one here, alone, for one spent in a canoe for 18 hours non stop.
I found this picture on line.
I’m in it, grey T Shirt.
Happy Easter 🙂