As my friends all know, I’m leaving the Property I am at in Portugal very soon.
The arrangement I had was to stay here as late as June 21st, but I hoped to leave sooner. To my amazement I’ve today been threatened with eviction on the 14th. That’s Thursday, today being Monday.
I can’t believe I’m in this situation ( soap opera style ).
I wonder will I have to get my Carer to barricade the doors and windows on Wednesday?
The people taking eventual possession are either sadistic or deranged in some way, to even think of doing this to me.
Ive looked at eviction in portugal and it can take an average of 31 months. Maybe I should think about staying til late 2020 then, instead of moving out next week?
It’ll all be caught on camera, don’t worry about that.
Oh my word, that’s really a lot of bare faces cheek. Good luck .