Well having had bad spasms ( and I mean REALLY bad ones ) for a month or so, and altogether ‘ abnormal ones ‘ for maybe 2 months.. I spoke to Doctor Perkins in Hong Kong. He suggested it might be a UTI.
I said, no it’s not that because when I have a UTI I’m always anxious, paranoid and suicidal .. and I haven’t been any of those. I’m cheerful, despite poor sleep and constantly trying to wedge stuff around my legs to stop them moving so much.
But hey, after a night where I was like a lying down cast member of Riverdance, I thought that I’d try antibiotics.
Well bugger me if within about 4 hours the spasms stopped. Doh. I’m glad but feel a bit daft.
On the basis that UTI’s always depress my mood, and taking them ‘makes me happy’ I’m expecting now to be suddenly ridiculously cheerful, because I wasn’t even feeling down.
Hasn’t happened yet tho. Just feel the same but now can go out without shoving a large chunk of hard foam between my knees.
Good call. Sleep well, Mr D x