The other day I was going along the pavement and I suddenly I found myself enveloped in a combination of fabric and something very hard which had whacked me in the face.
For a few seconds I was totally trapped in this thing.. unable to move enough to escape it.
Transpired this bloke had ‘ not seen me ‘ enough to open a huge pavement umbrella as I went slowly by.
I’ve had a sore neck ever since ( as well as a cut on my forehead ).
Annoyingly the bloke seemed to find it funny..
evidently very unaware that if i wasn’t trapped in a bloody wheelchair, I’d have picked up said large umbrella and knocked him over with it.
Anyway (!) since then I’ve driven to Stoke Mandeville hospital and had the maximum amount legally allowed ( apparently ) injected into my para spinal muscles and my quads and hamstrings.
F me, my leg rigidity is ridiculous and nothing is working to reduce it. Four days after the injections and there isn’t much change. Work that one out – injections that knock out the function of a muscle don’t seem to work on me.
I had enough Botox to service all the ladies in Chiswick… and there’s no real difference thus far. Doh.
I’m being put on yet another/ different medication that perhaps might help… but who knows.
Aside from my medical issues.. as usual I continue to be a theatre luvvy. I went to see Sigourney Weaver in Drury Lane on Friday. It was The Tempest ( Shakespeare ).
I’d wrongfully assumed that it would be an interpretation of the story set in a modern world… but it wasn’t. Full on 16th century script.
If you speak ye old English, you’d have been fine . Note to self to find out before you go how it’s going to be, to prevent general mystification.
However the theatre itself was absolutely beautiful- just architecturally stunning… so there was that.
I came back by road rather than Tube. It was minus 5 and I don’t think I’ve ever been more covered in grit and salt in my life.
Tricky to clean it off without more movement than i have… another note to self – get the Tube when the conditions are awful. There’s just something about me that says ‘ go on, give it a go mate ‘.
Note to self – ignore myself a lot more.
Brentford’s winning ways seem to have stopped.
Tonight it’s Man City and on Saturday it’s Liverpool. Two dead easy matches then. It might be a case of just getting pleasure from the skills of the players in the opposition team… which obviously makes me not a football fan. You aren’t supposed to do that.
I rejoined the Royal Geograpical Society for this year. Blimey the talk last night was dire though. I think the fella winged it with a few slides and 20 minutes prep.. but he had no talent for winging it. The talks are supposed to be an hour long and most speakers run over a bit. This bell end ran dry after 40 minutes, even with 10 minutes of thanking people for letting him be there.
He needed to be taken out with a pavement umbrella. It wouldn’t be a loss to the world of public speaking.
Let’s hope next week sees an improvement.
Happy New Year though.
Can’t fault your enthusiasm, Russ. Spasticity meds turn the brightest minds to mush, so critiquing a Shakespearean production and Royal Geographical speaker… I doff my cap lol. Hope they (meds) help… soon! Keep safe x
Mmmmm hence my lack of enthusiasm for taking them .. however the bloody leg rigidity is absolutely crazy.
Maybe I’d be turned into enough of a space cowboy to not even know I was one? Is that ok, you think?
Could explain it but don’t want you seeing stars…