…. on the impact of cycle lanes in London, to the elderly and the disabled.
I had to abandon my attempt and instead write in… see below.
Dear Sirs/ TfL
I have just tried to complete your (smart) survey about walking and cycling in london, and the consequences to the disabled and elderly.
Somewhat shockingly, after ticking the boxes that said I was disabled and in a wheelchair, it asked me how often I walked for 20 Minutes and how often I rode a bicycle.
Please note that the paralysed wheelchair users of this world sadly don’t have the option of either, and it’s a tad insensitive of yourselves to not have a slightly ‘ smarter ‘ survey tool that takes me to an ‘ adjusted’ line of questioning, I’d say, particularly when the survey is specifically aimed at the disabled…
I obviously wasn’t able to complete the survey….
Yours faithfully,
Russ Dawkins
Chiswick W4
Sent from my iPhone 9.6 prototype.