From Danibelle:
Russ was his most liveliest today. Starting to be fed some proper food so still at the experimental stage but managed to down some hospital “goo” plus some finely chopped cherries care of yours truly 🙂
Also managed to make us laugh over several funny jokes today – and the guy can’t even speak!!! Very funny catheter joke with James. Not to be revealed in polite society!
So, a good day all in all. Various additional lovely peeps arriving tomorrow, Thursday and Friday so Russ Boy not gonna be short of company. On the other hand, my liver might be crying out for help by the end of the weekend……
Nigh night from Toulon xxxx
Piccy of Amber and Croyde entertaining me, mum, Trudy, Jack, Bev and James – and a troupe of locals – with the movie they made while we were dining post-hospital visit this evening.
And a heart melting message from my mum:
Dear all
This will be my penultimate bulletin. I am going home on Friday by train. I shall really miss Dani, Russ, Amber and Lily (when she was here). I feel very privileged to have met Dani and Russ' lovely friends and to be able to get to know them better. It will be strange to leave the "bubble" here in Toulon but hope to return to a more familiar " bubble" on Friday.
Russ has been amazing today. Although I haven't been privy to everything that has happened, I found him very alert and felt I could understand quite a bit of what he was trying to say.
Dani tells me that he has had two meals today, I believe fish and a fruit meal. Consequently, he no longer has the feeding tube in his nose. Yet another milestone!
He has had several visitors today. An old friend, Trudy, drove with her son Jack from Lyon where she was staying with friends. I think Russ was very happy to see her. Later in the day, his friend, James Cracknell and beautiful wife Beverley went to see him. I gather he was communicating with James with various recognisable gestures. Obviously, he retains a good sense of humour!
It appears each day is a milestone at present.
I feel that during my time here with Danielle we have witnessed something of a miracle. Well done to Russ, you are amazing! Also Russ, when you read all this in the future, you will realise how totally, mind blowingly fantastic your wife and daughters have been. Brave, strong and generous hearted to a fault.
My dear love to you all
Jenni xxxx