
Another you couldn’t make it up.

My Freedom Pass isn’t working. It’s a replacement for the card issued a few years ago that I was given by Transport for London after my registration following paralysis.

I phoned the appropriate helpline about a week ago to explain that the issued card doesn’t work – when I tap it the barrier doesn’t open.

Since then I’ve been on the Tube several times. Each time I’ve politely explained to the TfL staff member that I’ve got a replacement card in order because the issued one is faulty.

So tonight I’m coming back from Westminster. I explain my card situation to the 45 year old ( guessing ) lady attendant. She said ‘ well you’ll just have to pay then ‘ Now this is after maybe 10 of her colleagues have waved me through in an instant.
I politely pointed that out.
She looked unmoved.

At that point someone came through the barrier the other way ( towards me ). Whilst the barrier was briefly open I charged through.
The lady staff person SCREAMED ‘ what a horrible person you are !’

Tbh I’m not really sure her reaction was in any way fair, given the situation.

What do you reckon?

One thought on “Ffs

  1. Sorry you had a shit end to what was otherwise a lovely evening . Really enjoyed Bonnie & Clyde – great talent and stage set 🎭 ( plus impressive seat clambering on my part to get wine 🤗)

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