Having recently watched a Jordan Peterson speech where he said that all people have the potential to be very evil concealed within them, and as a proof of that to read a book called Ordinary Men, I have been.
It’s a detailed account of The Final Solution activities in Poland during WW2 under Hitler.
It’s jaw droppingly awful from start to finish.
Many more Jews were ( just ) shot in mass executions, than died in Camps. The numbers are vast.. and in the book the numbers are listed … for hours on end. Two hundred and 14 here, three hundred and 73 the next day in the same forest etc etc. The 4 metre deep holes dug by the Jews that were about to fall forward into them, having been shot in the back of the head whilst standing on the edge of the hole, or the orderly way that the next ten Jews were told to lie on top of the last 10 ( now dead ) Jews so that as many would fit in the hole as possible… 10 rows deep of dead and dying people, those not quite dead being crushed by the weight of the many on top of them.
The searches of forests and fields for Jews hidden in underground tunnels, grenades tossed in , those coming out machine gunned, the fleeing chased until captured and then shot in the head.
It really does make you understand why Israel I is so uncompromising in its self defence against all aggression.
Clearly the destruction in Gaza is awful. The casualty numbers for the whole conflict thus far is equivalent to just a week of Final Solution murders of the Jews in WW2.
The point that Jordan P was making though is that the execution squads were largely made up of non army members, just ‘ Ordinary Men ‘ given the instruction to get on with the elimination of Jews.. and then the absolute enthusiasm in which they carried out their ‘job’. Not a handful of men, but hundreds of men who’d previously had no history of violence.
There have been innumerable conflicts where neighbours have coldly killed neighbours of a different ethnicity in adherence to ‘the cause ‘.
And of course there will be again.
And again.
And again.
Historically the killers have been men, but i imagine that will change and women will also take part in the slaughters.
Go equality.