August Bank Holiday

After my injury, and everything changed for me, I felt very uncomfortable being on my own. In fact I couldn’t bear it. I’d get scared too, the awareness of being so vulnerable and unable just being too much for me.

Before my injury I often spent time alone. Invariably I’d train by myself, whether it be running, kayaking or cycling, or all the other sports I did.

6 years on and I’m happy to say that once again I’m ok by myself, by myself with my thoughts and just doing what I can by myself, which isn’t a million things like before, but certainly quite a few things.

Having said all that, I have seen lots of people recently who have gone out of their way to catch up with me. Thanks to Miles, to Lal and Saz, to Roy and Dickon, to Marky P, to my parents, to Toby and Cress, to Pia, Brian and Macey, and of course to Wendy. The persistent rain of late definitely hindered my doing stuff that I’d planned, and I’m glad it’s cheered up ( a lot ). 3 outside cinema nights weren’t possible ( well they were, but I get bloody wet ) recently. The rain has however helped my garden. I never thought I’d be interested in gardening, and to be honest I can’t actually do that much of it myself, but I can at least decide what I have in it, and where things ( plants and lights and a water feature even ) go. Im like Incapability Brown ( that’s a gardening and disabled joke btw ) now, and it’s satisfying to see it flourish. I don’t faff about, everything is done on impulse, and my sexy gardener and also Gawain are pretty handy as the implementers of my impulsive creativity…

And there’s lots of wildlife in Brentford!

A duck.
A large dog I saw across the canal.

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