In hospital, nearly anything at all that I want done, I have to ask someone.
At home I can pretty much do most things myself, somehow or other.

The loss of independence I have here is a truly shocking reminder of just how buggered I am when put into a bed and left.

It’s really sobering.

One thought on “

  1. Russ, I totally get it. Hospitals make us SCIs feel ‘extra’ disabled, vulnerable and… whispers it… frightened! Understaffed, underfunded and largely ignorant about SCI needs (average health provider ‘on the ground’) is a perfect storm. Earlier this summer, I left hospital with a pressure sore on ankle after 2 days In A&E on a trolley before helping original problem and departing with another. If you have to stay, contact SIA tomorrow, who will help advocate for you and hospital. Wish I had. Other than this, thinking of you and hope you’re soon home x

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