Having absolutely and unequivocally decided to end my life ( on Monday night ) because I just can’t cope with my unrelenting spasms, they have stopped.

Is that a cruel reprieve before they come back, or not ?

I’m nothing but honest ( although told by my detractors that I’m not – of course ) and this isn’t a cry for attention or anything ( sod that notion ).

I’m now confused as to what might come next.

My legs are as stiff as planks of wood, so it’s not like it’s ok, but my mind gets so dark in every way, and after months of this then I’m very much on that knife edge.

One thought on “

  1. So sad to read this post. I have been following your posts for the last year and have been inspired by so much of what you write. You have been in dark places before and I hope now that the spasms have stopped you will be in a better headspace. Reach out for help. Don’t give up.

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