6 days on and I’m still very hot at night and cold in the days…
I only went out today to vote…. that was all the adventure I had in me. The voting venue entrance was plenty wheelchair accessible but i don’t think they’d thought much about the exit – of course it’s all ‘ one way ‘ at the moment. I got out the weeny church back door…. but only just, once over the unfriendly to wheelchairs threshold..

After a ( well Jesus it’s all relative in these anti social times ) busy period recently, I was listing ‘ all ‘ the people I’d have to contact to tell them I had Covid… but then in the end I didn’t. Felt a bit intense though for a bit.
None of them had symptoms and they’d all had at least one vaccine jab.
Goes to show then, the system is working!

Chris and Caroline had both already had Covid – they caught it at an outside, socially distant BBQ – which shows how bloody virulent it is, and that outside mingling alone isn’t enough, well not without the vaccine. Well it went crazy here after the ( outdoor ) Cheltenham Festival and a football match ( obviously outside) up north. Obviously the infected fans did travel to the events, but in outside crowds it would seem to prevail….
Thanks for the ( plant based ) lunch they brought ( well tidy ).
Good to see Lily and Zig too!

I’m watching The Handmaid’s Tale. Wow, that’s a chilling one. If you haven’t seen, then do. There’s a lot of stuff on that’s hopelessly bad. It’s obvious that not much new has been released this last year.
My habitual cinema opens in less than 2 weeks – at last – but they are showing about 2 old Disney films and some football matches….. mmmm I think I might wait.

And tomorrow I FINALLY get my front tooth back. Jeez I haven’t been able to speak properly for about a year, and it’ll be AMAZING!

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