A ‘ holiday ‘.

And we have made it to Portugal again. Having bought a flat in a ‘ less fashionable area ‘ of the Algarve we get exactly the same weather as in the posh bits, and we actually have a town ( are in a town ) which has shops that sell provisions, and is more or less generally accessible. No muddy fields to cross here. The idea was to try to replicate my ‘ set up’ in my london flat, so that it’s just possible to get here and not have the ‘ worry’ of whether it’ll be vaguely ok for me when I arrive.

Pretty much all my spare stuff, if you like, has ended up here, and having once lived somewhere fairly grand ( you could say, all things being relative ) I had quite a bit of spare stuff. That’s all made it’s way in the odd Transit van to the town here. I’m on the second floor, in a apartment that is a new build that was repossessed from the builders by the bank, who then sold it ( to me ). There are things that don’t work, like a toilet flush and some lights, but I have a bloke coming tomorrow to hopefully make some of those things that don’t work, work. The place came with no homebuyers guarantee or anything, and if stuff is only fixable with lots of cash, then it can just stay unfixed. Stuff for me isn’t exactly working ( self ) so I don’t worry about stuff that doesn’t too, most things not being that essential in this life. My essentials now are absolute essentials, that didn’t exist in my life before, but they are also quite basic things rather than frills. I didn’t need no steps and wide doorways and charging points that are at waist level before, but now I absolutely do.

I also need a partner who is easy going, completely happy without the frills, and loves me as I am, with all my physical downsides, that accepts that it’s only gonna get more difficult, rather than easier, which is what lots ‘ expect ‘. Wendy is definitely that amazing girl.

I’d like to say hi to Terry and Sherry and George, who were next to us on the plane, and live, and love William, George’s bother, who was born with a gene linked condition that makes William need full time ( yes, full time ) care, that is in the main provided by his totally devoted family. Unlike many families in their ‘ situation ‘ they do ‘ cope’ and nurture William, resulting in him living thus far to 21, against all predictions. A nicer family you couldn’t meet, George being the dedicated brother who helps his dad to carry William off the plane. George is a fit and athletic guy in Uni for a chunk of the year, and no doubt as it gets harder for his Dad, he’ll be carrying William by himself.

The thing is – he ain’t heavy, he’s his brother…

2 thoughts on “A ‘ holiday ‘.

  1. Hi Russ & Wendy
    Thank you very much for your kind words about William, George & Sherry. I have read through your story today as suggested from the beginning and remain as inspired as I was throughout our flight together. Today, I actually relayed your story to our friends by the pool, and reminded them about how fragile life is, even to the most fit and strong. In such a short flight you showed what a wonderful man you are. I am so happy that you have a truly wonderful and attractive girl to share your life with. Wendy is a remarkable partner that has allowed you to retain your great sense of humour. You made me smile a lot with your funny comments, albeit expressed with love and care. I was especially warmed with the care she has for you and how you held hands so lovingly….it made me happy. I hope you continue to fight for the right of easier access and transport as we do for William. His suction unit hasn’t arrived in Portugal yet, so I’ve devised a make shift tube which I use to suck on myself to remove any secretions, not pleasant but essential to save him from breathing anything back onto his lungs. Sales of mouthwash and toothpaste have increased in our local store!!
    I’m pleased to have met you both, and will continue to follow your life Russ. Thank you for sharing your Pink Champagne with us on flight…what a gesture x
    I look forward to reading your book. Have a great time together in Portugal. Until the next time, keep them arms strong with your Powerball. Very best wishes, from “Castle Nicholls” ❤ xx

    1. You are too kind about me, but all true about Wendy obviously.
      Gotta correct something… the pink champagne wasn’t… it was pink Prosecco.. and you’ll recall I got told off by the air steward for opening a bottle I’d bought in duty free whilst on a flight! The very loud pop gave me away, not helped by you asking for glasses!!!! Funny though!

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