I got this in an email today… Go me …. poor unknown relative of mine + family….

I sent this letter to you months ago but I am not sure if you received it. it is in concern about your late relative, who has left a sum of $US 13,580,000. He was my client, he died in a car crash alongside with his family. I am Barrister Stephen Williams.

6 thoughts on “I got this in an email today… Go me …. poor unknown relative of mine + family….

  1. Amateur – i’ve just been offered $12 million a month.
    Seems totally legit to me, all i’ve got to do is send a small processing fee and the spice will start flowing. I’ve already written out my resignation and planned how i’ll spend the first month’s money 🙂

  2. I have had them before. Only my Family died in a plane crash. I know it is a scam and I am sure someone that is vulnerable will believe it is real. Only thing I can say is You have got to laugh haven’t you. Laughing at things has kept me going over the past 3 years. On the Notice Board outside a Church in Ashford it says “Confessions by Appointment only”. I was thinking if it is anything like trying to get a Doctor’s appointment you could wait weeks to confess. I have a Mrs Browns Boy’s calendar and on one of he months it says that her wheelie bin goes out more than she does. Last year when I was waiting for the Vicar to come and talk about Philip’s funeral I put the calendar away because it said God must love F****ng idiots because he has made enough of them. It still makes me laugh to this day. Hope you are OK and all my love Margaret x x

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