A few countries would seem to have ( almost ) eliminated the virus from their societies. How did they manage that? Well they carried out mass testing, worked out exactly who had it and told them, then they used sophisticated and rigorous contact tracing to inform anyone who had been in the company of an infected person to be tested and go into isolation if they too had the virus. In the hospitals where the sick went, they had loads of extreme PPE measures in place to protect their medical staff from catching it, and the virus spreading. In the trains, planes and streets they carried out rigorous disinfection to kill the virus on hard surfaces so that people couldn’t contract it through touching stuff. The people were TOLD they had to stay indoors, and when out to buy food wear face masks and to socially distance Infection rates dropped and death rates slowed to a standstill. The virus literally disappeared. It only lives in people ( we hope ) and either the person dies, and the virus dies then too after a while, or the host ( the person ) has a robust immune system which kills off the virus inside their body. As borders are closed, no people with the virus can enter from abroad ( or if they do they are MADE to quarantine. In quarantine they are either found to be virus free, or they develop symptoms and recover or die, but the virus is contained. The people of the country are left in no doubt that the virus is deadly and potentially ruinous to society, so has to be eliminated. Goods coming into the country will not enter contaminated with the virus because any virus on the goods will have died in transit, or been killed by spraying the goods vehicles. It’s actually not rocket science.
I’ll copy and paste the above and put a ✅ or a cross ❌ next to each action to denote whether Britain has done it or not. The UK has the most deaths in Europe, and the virus is widespread in the population, yet the talk now is of removing the lockdown ….🤦♂️
Some countries would seem to have ( almost ) eliminated the virus from their societies. How did they manage that? Well they carried out mass testing ❌worked out exactly who had it and told them❌, then they used sophisticated and rigorous contact tracing❌ to inform anyone who had been in the company of an infected person to be tested and go into isolation if they too had the virus. In the hospitals where the sick went, they had loads of extreme PPE measures in place ❌to protect their medical staff from catching it, and the virus spreading. In the trains, planes and streets they carried out rigorous disinfection❌ to kill the virus on hard surfaces so that people couldn’t contract it through touching stuff. The people were TOLD they had to stay indoors❌, and when out to buy food wear face masks ❌and to socially distance ✅Infection rates dropped and death rates slowed to a standstill. ❌The virus literally disappeared. ❌It only lives in people ( we hope ) and either the person dies, and the virus dies then too after a while, or the host ( the person ) has a robust immune system which kills off the virus inside their body. As borders are closed, no people with the virus can enter from abroad❌ ( or if they do they are MADE to quarantine. In quarantine ❌they are either found to be virus free, or they develop symptoms and recover or die, but the virus is contained. The people of the country are left in no doubt that the virus is deadly and potentially ruinous to society❌, so has to be eliminated. Goods coming into the country will not enter contaminated with the virus because any virus on the goods will have died in transit, or been killed by spraying the goods vehicles❌. It’s actually not rocket science.
So there you have it then. The second wave will be a tsunami of deaths, because the UK authorities have been too weak.‘ Civil liberties ‘ are put before public health, and political correctness ensures that the really vulnerable aren’t aware. It’s older, fatter men that die. The older and more unhealthy you are, the less chance you have. The educated exercise more than the uneducated, because they are smart enough to realise that being healthy makes you live longer in general. In the UK older white cleverer people exercise more than poorer black and Asian people ( who are consequently in worse physical health ) , so are less likely to die. Of course there are exceptions, but I’m generalising. Many people have undiagnosed health issues that make them less able to fight the virus, but in the main the fitter, younger, and leaner and stronger you are, the less chance you’ll cop it.
In the US most people are unfit, huge numbers are obese, and most aren’t clever enough to realise that their poor self care might well kill them, once they ‘ exercise their Right To Roam ‘ and catch it. Millions will die. Only a vaccine will stop it.
The UK will be the epicentre of the virus in Europe.
We are on the brink of the mass infection and death to the ‘ weak ‘.
Darwinism perfectly illustrated.