Easter Monday.

I ignored the phone when it started ringing. And the few texts that came, and an email or two.

I’d decided that I was going to make a choice for myself, selfish I knoe, but true.

I couldn’t ignore the 4 police cars that arrived, and the officers that wanted to talk to me, pretty urgently.

They said they were duty bound to take me for a psychiatric evaluation.
I explained that incarceration for a guy with spinal cord injury, was very likely to lead to bodily damage, and ultimately potentially far worse.

We compromised on me phoning my doctor and talking to him.
Doctor Mike arrived within 7 minutes and took me to his home.
I don’t think you’d get that level of dedication in the UK, on Easter Sunday?

So the deal is that I’ll have a professional to talk to, from here on.

But thank you to anyone that did get in touch, and that includes Beth, who was the first.

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