In the morning i go for my pre op tests – blood tests etc – before they admit me on Monday.
They don’t admit you the night before or anything, it’s just turn up and have a massive operation thèse days – which is fine with me. Wendy is going to come and hold my hand, and be there later when I come round, so I’m in safe hands, all going according to plan anyway.
After that I’m not blimmin moving much so that it sets, for as long as I can!
Best of luck!👍
Best of luck!
Will be thinking of you on Monday.
Lots of love
Auntie Mary xxxxx
youre a pooler boy ffs stop wussin about a damp sponge and a bit of deep heat will get you going post op
Hi Russ,
I met you on a Back Up course in Essex about 4(?) years ago. We got on well and both agreed we weren’t designed to be in a wheelchair! I’ve read your blogs over the years but not recently, so was very sad to read about your troubles and upcoming surgery. I wish you all the best and I’ll be thinking of you (even though I don’t know you well).
I’m C5 and paralysed from the chest down, I have spasms which are a real pain but yours seems worse and it feels as if you’ve had a real bad deal post injury. You’ve had so much to cope with but you should be proud the way you’ve fought to overcome everything.
So, good luck Russ, stay strong and think about going to more concerts ( if there’s anyone you’ve not seen yet!)
Paul x
In my thoughts always Russ xxx
Aunty Wendy and John
I will be thinking about you on the 24th. Perhaps Wendy will let us all know if you are OK. Love Margaret x x x
If I blog then you’ll know I live on..
Dawky, your tenacity never ceases to amaze me.
Better Wendy than me.