Monthly Archives: October 2013


So today.. First time at wheelchair basketball and badminton. 

Moderately successful at best, but again a good laugh. 
My big issue is that my right shoulder injury stops proper use of my right arm, particularly over head height eg throwing a basketball….. so hurling it even a few feet is a test. 
Some of the more experienced were pretty good,  I have to say, as were those who  actually don’t have a disability but play anyway. Amber, true to personality, couldn’t wait to get in a chair and whizz about. 
I think my girls had a real laugh, to their surprise, so are pretty keen to come again. And that, for me, is really good news. 
Lily went to the Jessie J gig last night and was stopped by the Chief Scout of probably the world’s biggest modelling agency. She took pictures and details etc, acknowledging that at 12 she is too young, but they’ll apparently keep an eye on her…. you can imagine she’s pretty chuffed about the approach ( in a lovely, modest way ).  I always knew,  that with my looks, she’d go far. 
Tomorrow I get to trial a better chair, ah the thrills of being a spinal patient.
 I’m hoping it’ll be better than the current one ie a bit faster and more manoeuvrable. I’ll keep it for a few days then try another one next week. 

At some point I’ll make a decision on the chair I want, and hand over some cash, but probably not for another 2 months. 

Thank you…

…. To the very funny Mark Povey, the lovely Mary Hardy, and the beautiful Lisa Carter, for coming, buying me tea, coffee, sandwiches, cake, grapes, and wine!

Those of you that come hopefully see me as fairly content, here in these enforced ( for my own good! ) rehab surroundings. 
Sometimes it’s your very coming that lifts me from despair. 
I can’t say that I’m getting used to my new life, no ‘acceptance’ has kicked in yet. 
I’m a lot more prone to negative thoughts than I was 2 months ago, even though I’m getting better physically, the mental test is the harder element. 
I have no doubt that my inner strength will improve given time. 
On the upside, I think I’ve put on 3kg’s in weight. And that’s in upper body muscle. 
The current me would kick sand in the face of the 5 weeks ago me ( if there was sand, and if I could move my leg with my arm to propel some sand high enough )
So that’s cause for celebration. 
Y’all sleep well , out there in the real world. 
I think tomorrow will be a nice day. 🙂