And I’m in Court in the morning… Day 1 of the end ( hopefully ) of my rather prolonged divorce process. By the end of the week, but hopefully sooner, that chapter will have closed. It’s not exactly a fun experience, the whole divorce thing, but the Court bits I find ok actually. They don’t faze me at all. Paralysis has far more daunting aspects most days than that presented by a courtroom, and I’m quite ready for the whole thing, with my brain seeming to be processing quite rationally at the moment.
My Aunty Wendy died on Wednesday, lung cancer having stolen her away. My mum’s sister, Aunty Wendy was a lovely lady. I can’t recall a time ever that she didn’t have a smile on her face, which I would say was the measure of her. RIP Aunty Wendy x
Hi Russ a tough week for you … again .. I am sorry for your loss of your aunty … keep on blogging and keep this positive mental focus …you always grab life the balls and seriously make other people want to get up off their asses .. big hugs C xx
I am really sorry about your Aunty Wendy. Cancer is a horrible disease If you want me to chain myself outside the Divorce Court let me know. I am willing to be arrested to help you in any way. Luv Marge x x
Hey, Go Marge ! Real Dawkins spirit & spunk.
Thank you, I am willing to super glue certain parts of my body to the railings outside the Divorce Courts if necessary. Luv Marge x x
Marge, you are a contemporary Suffragette – you don’t care, do you ? Support Dawk. etc. Take pics too.
Dawky, you sound positive, upbeat & dynamic at present. A new chapter awaits.