Tonight we saw Lewis Copaldi. I have to be honest when I say I knew absolutely sod all about him ( he’s a singer ).
When this bloke came onto the stage, at first I thought it was a fat roady just checking the microphone was working, and then was surprised he started singing.
He looked like a young Boris Johnson. Chubby with quite a lot of hair.
When women started throwing their underwear he was very amusing about it.
And I’m sure his drummer was Ricky Tomlinson, off The Royle Family.
In fact he turned out to be very funny – a piss taking, and self deprecating Scottish bloke of 22.
At one point he introduced ‘ his Bald fucker manager, Scott, who had just had a hair transplant at 28. He was sort of nice about him and ‘ then said ‘ Fuck off now ‘
That boy can sing though, and clearly can’t believe he’s headlining big crowds, probably more amazed that those crowds include posh ones in Kew Gardens.
I was of course on the human scrap heap that is the wheelchair/ disabled platform. It’s not a great place to end up, that’s for sure. I don’t recommend it as destiny.
Most regular people avert their eyes as they pass by, I notice, which I at least do understand. It’s what ‘ polite people ‘ do – not look for fear of staring at the funny people ‘ In Wales when I grew up, you’d have had kids pulling faces at us, like they used to at the Sunshine Bus, as it was called, even when the name was changed to something else.
I confess I find that a little amusing still, even now I’m on the wrong side of the glass.
Lewis himself 10/10. I had no expectation but am really impressed.
Being disabled 0/10.