Xmas Day.

We had a lavish and luxurious  Xmas Day at Alwyn’s ski lodge. It’s a really beautiful place.  

Nadia is an interior designer, amongst other things, and their house is absolutely stunning. 

The drink flowed and the food was supreme. All the ladies worked so hard to make it a Christmas to remember. That’s right, none of the Dawkins men have any culinary skills whatsoever. We never have, and it’s unlikely to start now. 
At Stoke Mandeville, they ask me if I’ve progressed on to cooking for myself yet. 
I’ve never cooked anything in my life. 
I have been to the fridge and eaten things that I find in it, but heating things up etc has never been of any interest to me. 
I can make an omelette though. But that’s maybe twice a year, and under duress. I’ve never made one for myself, on my own, in the house. 

We had a real laugh at lunch, then the kids disappeared downstairs and half the adults fell asleep. 
Normal Xmas day then. 
No telly though… That’s a British thing, obviously. 

My family are very empathetic and definitely  feel my pain. 
They are so genuinely gutted for me it’s touching. 
My Dad stood up and spoke at the table yesterday where he related how ‘lucky’ our family has always been. That is, until June 14th this year, when ‘the bottom fell out of our worlds ‘.
Most of the adults at the table were in tears. 
Amber, my daughter ( 9 ) said ‘ god, that was quite emotional, I almost cried ‘. Kids..

Everyone continues to ski and lark about and have a great laugh, but I know they’re acutely aware of what I’m missing, and they jump at the chance to help me in any and every way possible, which I have to say I accept readily. 

It could definitely be a lot worse. 

 I’m still f’ing devastated by it, every waking moment ( oh, and in my dreams too sometimes ), but I am able to enjoy other people having fun, especially my daughters. 

I’m incredibly lucky to have the family I’ve got. They’re all such lovely people. 
I realise that more than ever now, all of the time. 

Stu and Ben pushed me up the rutted road home last night at about 10pm, slowly and carefully, so as not to spill me. 
They had to lift me a few times over holes etc, and they did it with such care, it was tangible. 
Ben being 19 and Welsh, only had on a t shirt, despite it being minus 10 degrees. 
Yes, it’s a welsh thing, that cold resilience. My girls have it too. Amber skis about with her jacket undone whilst adults are shivering.  

I think I get to ski tomorrow. Christ, there’s a lot of snow now, but it’s dropped by 40F here since the day we arrived, so bloody freezing. 

Should be interesting. 🙂

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