
Sitskiing has to be the most frustrating sport in the whole world. Just when you think you’ve cracked it, everything seems to change and you go back days …falling, spinning around, sliding down backwards and ending up upside down and stuck fast ( and helpless). The technique that worked well yesterday was next to useless today. For hours I was at a loss as to what to try and wishing I’d never bloody started in the first place.

By the end of the day I had recovered a bit of  posture and control,  by doing completely different things to all of the other days.

Tomorrow is the last day. On the other trips the last day has gone well ‘ ish , giving me enough urge to want to come back. I’m hoping that’s going to be the case this time too.

The kids are happy though. Lily bumped into a friend  and they’re now hanging around on the film set of a Hollywood movie that happens to be being shot here.


The closest I got to that as a kid was once appearing on the Welsh local news having been taken for one of Cardiff’s homeless youths.


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