
Last week I discovered ( actually my neighbour had told me to go there ) that I live near a very large park, called Osterley Park. I canā€™t believe Iā€™ve driven/ cycled past this park for the best part of 25 years and not realised it was there. Itā€™s just in a part of London/ Mddx that Iā€™d assumed wouldnā€™t have such a place ( God knows why Iā€™d think that ) Thereā€™s a stately home and massive grounds, 2 lakes and itā€™s all flat too so handy for me.
Itā€™s become my go to place, where Iā€™ve gone to read a book written by my buddy Toby Strauss, an historical novel about the extraordinary engineer, Isembard Kingdom Brunel, who changed Britain and the world in the 1800ā€™s.
The book is called Iron Will … and itā€™s not ā€˜ all engineerā€™y ā€˜ at all. Itā€™s very very readable, so I completely objectively recommend you buy it for people for Christmas!

( and you should go to Osterley Park )

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